Film Locations
in Colfax County, NM & the surrounding areas
Vermejo River Ranch
Multiple amazing film locations including arena bleachers, river, pastures, cabins, old trees, a big vinyl barn, and an adobe ranch house surrounded by 300 acres of beautiful landscape.
Moore Ranch
A privately owned and operated working ranch, nestled between unique mesas and peaks, with over 350 cattle on a property that spans over 26,000 acres.
Ranch Land in Dillon and Gardiner Canyon
A beautiful ranch with sprawling landscapes and four distinct seasons.
Ranch Land around Tinaja Mountain
A beautiful ranch film location in rural New Mexico with a Tarantino Film feel.
Krusi Ranch
Located in Folsom, this beautiful landscape is the majestic backdrop for your next video project.
Blue Sky Ranch
A veteran run ranch that specializes in all things horse! Discover, Learn, and Grow!