September 2023 Newsletter
From the City of Raton -- RFP for Renovation of Kearny Released
The next stages for the renovation of Kearny School are in motion with this RFP (Request for Proposal) released by the city.
This begins the process of designing and planning for the renovations to turn the abandoned school into a workforce training center focused in Video and Multimedia technology. Thank you to all those working in the city who continue to work hard to make this dream into a reality. We're very excited to get moving on this massive project and very eager to get into the next phase - construction!
From the City of Raton's Website: The City of Raton is accepting proposals for specialized environmental, architectural and engineering services related to renovation of the historic Kearny Building. Proposals shall be received from professional services firms that are qualified to develop building restoration design plans, specifications, bid documents and associated project development tasks in accordance with project goals to establish film production and workforce development operations in the Kearny facility. Plans, specifications and bid documents shall be prepared and reviewed under the oversight and direction of the City of Raton Project Committee, funding agencies and the New Mexico Historic Preservation Division and in a manner that will meet project objectives, requirements and building code requisites applicable to public facilities.
To read the full Sealed Solicitation visit:
New Blog Launch
The NORTHERN NEW MEXICO FILM & TV BLOG will be a platform to share articles relevant to the burgeoning film industry in New Mexico.
The first article "Unlock the Benefits: Demystifying New Mexico Film Incentives" released August 14th and we will release a new article every Thursday. Some upcoming topics include "What is XR?", "I Want To Start A Career in Video Production, Now What?", "How Could My Electrician Skills Be Used On A Television or Movie Set?", "Exploring the Iconic Movies Filmed in Colfax County, New Mexico" and many more.
If you have topics that you'd like us to write about, or would like to write your own, please send us a message at We hope to create a comprehensive database of knowledge to help those looking to learn!
Mentorships Begin This Month
Our next round of mentoring for the 2024 Film Prize Junior New Mexico Film Competition is beginning in September!
We help youth create short films showcased in the Film Prize Junior Red Carpet Event with a chance to win scholarships for college. It's a great way to build confidence in youth interested in multimedia production as they turn their ideas into reality on a big screen. We are holding a meeting on September 14th at 4pm to answer questions, get youth signed up for the program and start the process! If you are interested in attending, please email Parents and youth are welcome.
If you are interested in learning more or signing up for our free mentorship program, learn more at
Free Production Assistant Trainings This Month
Local Highlights of the Month - September 2023
Beki Laird is a third-generation theatre geek with unparalleled enthusiasm for anything related to the performing arts. She is an award-winning actress and costume designer/seamstress with extensive and varied experience both onstage & off, from pre-production & design through to execution & production. When it comes to live theatre - you name it & Beki’s done it.
Eagle Tail Mountain is an extinct shield volcano from the Capulin phase of the Raton-Clayton Volcanic Field and it's an absolutely stunning place to film scenic adventures. The property is located only 18 miles South of Raton and covers a whopping 26,000+ acres!
Watch a highlight video.
Goodwill Industries of New Mexico offers free job skills training, job search help and many veteran services. The host Production Assistant Training to teach basics of TV and Film Industry and have a plethora of free software classes on their website.
Have a favorite Filmmaker, Business, Location, or Resource in Raton and the surrounding area? Click here to nominate them for our next Highlight of Month and get a chance to win tickets to the 3rd Annual Spaghetti & Westerns Film Festival in Raton and Trinidad in October!
Interested in getting involved as we develop? Sign up on our crew and businesses lists or reach out to us directly at with your ideas.
We are all currently volunteers but as we expand there will be various paid opportunities that come up in addition to volunteer work. Our goals are large and require people with all sorts of various different talents and backgrounds to make it possible. We'd love to hear from you!