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How Could My Skills as a Veteran be Used On a Television or Movie Set?

By ERMW Team
Thurs November 23, 2023

Transitioning from a military career to the film and TV industry may seem like a significant leap, but veterans often have valuable skills that translate smoothly to the entertainment sector.

The film and TV industry relies on a diverse range of professionals with various skills, and military personnel often fit perfectly into these roles. Here are ten skills that veterans can use to their advantage in the film and TV industry.

Leadership: Veterans are trained to be effective leaders, capable of managing teams of individuals in high-pressure environments. Film and TV productions require a great deal of collaboration and leadership, and veterans can translate their training to lead crews and manage multiple departments.

Technical skills: Technical expertise is highly valued in the industry, and veterans with technical experience can leverage their skills to excel in areas such as sound engineering, camera operations, lighting design and special effects.

Communication skills: The film and television industry requires effective communication to ensure that everyone is on the same page for each project. Veterans are taught to communicate clearly, concisely, and effectively—even under pressure.

Flexibility: Members of the military may face unexpected changes and challenges, resulting in a highly adaptable mindset. Veterans who transition to film and TV careers are often quick to adapt to ever-changing schedules and demands, a key trait in the industry.

Disciplined work ethic: The military is known for its emphasis on discipline, and this trait translates well to the film and TV industry that often requires long hours and hard work to ensure a successful outcome.

Attention to Detail: Attention to detail is paramount in both the military and the film and TV industry. Veterans have experience with maintaining equipment, adhering to strict standards, and following protocols that directly translate to pursuits of technical detail in film and TV.

Problem-solving skills: Military veterans are trained to solve complex problems using both technical and critical thinking skills. This experience is transferable to troubleshooting issues that may arise on set or in post-production, ensuring minimal downtime and maximum efficiency.

Courage: The film industry can be a challenging and unpredictable environment, and courage is a vital trait required to overcome these obstacles. Military veterans' experience in extreme environments gives them an edge in handling high-pressure situations with a cool head.

Resilience: The entertainment industry can be filled with rejection, rejection being something military veterans are familiar with. Thus, veterans are already trained to be resilient and not give up at the first sign of failure or disappointment.

Teamwork: Every film and TV project is built on collaboration, and veterans bring teamwork to the table. Their ability to be team players makes them valuable assets to productions, since their ability to integrate with others to get things done is a must-have.

The film and TV industry is vast and diverse, offering numerous career opportunities for veterans. With the right mindset, military members can translate their skills seamlessly to the industry, leverage their technical expertise, and work in collaboration to create exceptional projects. Veterans bring a unique set of skills and experience to every film and TV career they pursue, offering value to the entire entertainment industry. So if you're a veteran with dreams of a career in film and television, know that your skills and experience are highly valued, and the industry welcomes you with open arms.