February 2023 Newsletter


Raton City Commission Meeting on 1/24/2023.
Video available from KRTN!
Click here to see it.

El Raton Media Works was awarded the contract for the Local Economic Development Agreement for Community Economic Improvement Project Utilizing the Existing Kearny School Facility during the Raton City Commission Regular Meeting, January 24, 2023.

This is a giant step towards opening our facilities! The next steps will be finalizing the contract and lease agreement with the City of Raton and the release of an RFP for the planning and renovation of Kearny.

If all goes to plan, we hope to have renovations/construction started by the end of summer. In the meantime, we are applying for several different grants to launch limited programming as the XR Media Training Center is under construction.


Mentors Ann Theis and Clint Henson volunteering earlier this month for Raton High School student Jesus Saenz. His documentary is about his father Monico's life, and will be submitted to the New Mexico Film Prize Junior competition when completed. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Holloway.

All of the progress we have made so far would be impossible without this amazing community.

Last month we launched our Campaign for Community Support and have had an outstanding response of signatures on our group letter which we will deliver to Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham. If you haven't signed yet please do on the link below, every signature helps! If everyone that has already signed gets just one more person to sign, we can meet our goal!


Kearny School in Raton, NM will be the future home of El Raton Media Works!

Interested in getting involved as we develop?

Sign up on our crew and businesses lists or reach out to us directly at info@elratonmediaworks.org with your ideas.

We are all currently volunteers but as we expand there will be various paid opportunities that come up in addition to volunteer work. Our goals are large and require people with all sorts of various different talents and backgrounds to make them possible. We'd love to hear from you!


Our leadership team bring years of experience in many different sectors to bear on the challenges of expanding economic and workforce development.


April 2023 Newsletter


December 2022 Newsletter