December 2022 Newsletter

Thanks for all your support in 2022!

As 2022 draws to an end, we want to reach out and thank you for your support this past year. As we step into the next year we are very enthusiastic about the work ahead. None of this would be possible without the wonderful community here in Northern New Mexico.

As you celebrate this holiday season, know that we are celebrating with you! 

We are SO EXCITED about 2023!

We are launching a new letter-writing campaign to illustrate to government officials the support there is in our region for a Film Workforce Training Center and XR Soundstage.

You’ll be hearing from us more soon, but in the meantime please add your signature to the group letter.
Click the link and thank you again for your support!   


Our leadership team bring years of experience in many different sectors to bear on the challenges of expanding economic and workforce development.

February 2023 Newsletter


November 2022 Newsletter